What is the best source of phosphatidylserine?

02 Jul.,2024


Phosphatidylserine: What It Is, Benefits, Side Effects & Uses

What is phosphatidylserine?

Phosphatidylserine is a fatty substance that protects nerve cells in your brain and enables them to communicate with each other. The nutritional supplement phosphatidylserine promotes cognitive function and memory, especially as you age to better support how your cells communicate and enhance your glucose metabolism.

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The amount of natural phosphatidylserine in your body decreases as you get older. Some people choose to take this supplement to increase the amount of phosphatidylserine in their brain.

What are phospholipids?

Phosphatidylserine is a type of phospholipid. It exists in your brain cell membranes, or the part of your cell that protects the inside of the cell from the outside environment.

Phospholipids are fats that contain the mineral phosphorus. Phosphorus is an essential part of your bones, teeth and DNA.


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What are the benefits of phosphatidylserine?

The nutritional supplement phosphatidylserine claims to support:

  • Memory.
  • Cognitive function.
  • Attention and ability to focus.
  • Stress relief.
  • Sleep.

The supplement also claims to target symptoms of:

  • Lipid imbalances associated with ADHD.
  • Depression and anxiety.
  • Alzheimer&#;s disease.

Phosphatidylserine isn&#;t approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat any medical conditions. But the FDA has determined that phosphatidylserine derived from fish, soy lecithin and sunflower are generally recognized as safe (GRAS).

Is phosphatidylserine good for anxiety?

The phosphatidylserine supplement claims to support symptoms of anxiety by reducing stress, regulating mood and encouraging your body to relax. It claims to manage anxiety by balancing cortisol levels in your body. Cortisol is a hormone that responds to stress. Phosphatidylserine isn&#;t an FDA-approved treatment for anxiety.

What foods are high in phosphatidylserine?

You can find phosphatidylserine naturally in the following foods:

  • Soybeans.
  • Fish.
  • Eggs.
  • Animal organs like liver (chicken or beef).

Phosphatidylserine supplements are made with ingredients derived from:

  • Fish.
  • Soy.
  • Sunflowers.
  • Cabbage.

Early supplements used animal products like cow&#;s brain (bovine cortex) to make the product. The use of animal products in phosphatidylserine supplements was phased out due to potential safety risks.

PHOSPHATIDYLSERINE - Uses, Side Effects, and More

Amaducci, L. Phosphatidylserine in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease: results of a multicenter study. Psychopharmacol.Bull. ;24(1):130-134. View abstract.

Emmelot, P. and Van Hoeven, R. P. Phospholipid unsaturation and plasma membrane organization. Chem Phys.Lipids ;14(3):236-246. View abstract.

Gatti, C., Cantelmi, M. G., Brunetti, M., Gaiti, A., Calderini, G., and Teolato, S. Effect of chronic treatment with phosphatidyl serine on phospholipase A1 and A2 activities in different brain areas of 4 month and 24 month old rats. Farmaco Sci. ;40(7):493-500. View abstract.

Gindin, J., Novikov, M., Kedar, D., Walter-Ginzburg, A., Naor, S., and Levi, S. The effect of plant phosphatidylserine on age-associated memory impairment and mood in the functioning elderly. Geriatric Institute for Education and Research and Dept of Geriatrics; Kaplan Hospital; Rehovot, Israel ;

Jager, R., Purpura, M., Geiss, K. R., Weiss, M., Baumeister, J., Amatulli, F., Schroder, L., and Herwegen, H. The effect of phosphatidylserine on golf performance. J Int Soc.Sports Nutr ;4(1):23. View abstract.

Kidd, P. M. Phosphatidylserine; Membrane nutrient for memory. A clinical and mechanistic assessment. Altern Med Rev ;1:70-84.

Monteverde, A., Gnemmi, P., Rossi, F., Monteverde, A., and Finali, G. C. Selegiline in the treatment of mild to moderate Alzheimer-type dementia. Clin.Ther ;12(4):315-322. View abstract.

Nerozzi, D., Aceti, F., Melia, E., Magnani, A., Marino, R., Genovesi, G., Amalfitano, M., Cozza, G., Murgiano, S., De, Giorgis G., and . [Phosphatidylserine and memory disorders in the aged]. Clin.Ter. 3-15-;120(5):399-404. View abstract.

Palmieri, G., Palmieri, R., Inzoli, MR Lombardi G., Sottini, C., Tavolato, B., and Giometto, B. Double-blind controlled trial of phosphatidylserine in patients with senile mental deterioration. Clin Trials J ;24:73-83.

Pepping, J. Phosphatidylserine. Am J Health Syst.Pharm. 10-15-;56(20):, -, . View abstract.

Ransmayr, G., Plorer, S., Gerstenbrand, F., and Bauer, G. Double-blind placebocontrolled trial of phosphatidylserine in elderly patients with arteriosclerotic encephalopathy. Clin Trials J ;24:62-72.

Rosadini, G., Sannita, W. G., Nobili, F., and Cenacchi, T. Phosphatidylserine: quantitative EEG effects in healthy volunteers. Neuropsychobiology ;24(1):42-48. View abstract.

Starks, M. A., Starks, S. L., Kingsley, M., Purpura, M., and Jager, R. The effects of phosphatidylserine on endocrine response to moderate intensity exercise. J Int Soc.Sports Nutr ;5:11. View abstract.

Vakhapova, V., Cohen, T., Richter, Y., Herzog, Y., and Korczyn, A. D. Phosphatidylserine containing omega-3 fatty acids may improve memory abilities in non-demented elderly with memory complaints: a double-blind placebo-controlled trial. Dement.Geriatr Cogn Disord ;29(5):467-474. View abstract.

Villardita, J. C., Grioli, S., Salmeri, G., Nicoletti, F., and Pennisi, G. Multicenter clinical trial of brain phosphatidylserine in elderly patiens with intellectual deterioration. Clin Trials J ;24:84-93.

Amaducci L. Phosphatidylserine in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease: results of a multicenter study. Psychopharmacol Bull ;24:130-4.

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Benton D, Donohoe RT, Sillance B, Nabb S. The influence of phosphatidylserine supplementation on mood and heart rate when faced with an acute stressor. Nutr Neurosci ;4:169-78. View abstract.

Blokland A, Honig W, Brouns F, Jolles J. Cognition-enhancing properties of subchronic phosphatidylserine (PS) treatment in middle-aged rats: comparison of bovine cortex PS with egg PS and soybean PS. Nutrition ;15:778-83. View abstract.

Bruton A, Nauman J, Hanes D, Gard M, Senders A. Phosphatidylserine for the treatment of pediatric attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis. J Altern Complement Med. ;27(4):312-322. View abstract.

Cenacchi T, Bertoldin T, Farina C, et al. Cognitive decline in the elderly: a double-blind, placebo-controlled multicenter study on efficacy of phosphatidylserine administration. Aging (Milano) ;5:123-33. View abstract.

Crook T, Petrie W, Wells C, Massari DC. Effects of phosphatidylserine in Alzheimer's disease. Psychopharmacol Bull ;28:61-6. View abstract.

Crook TH, Tinklenberg J, Yesavage J, et al. Effects of phosphatidylserine in age-associated memory impairment. Neurology ;41:644-9. View abstract.

Delwaide PJ, Gyselynck-Mambourg AM, Hurlet A, Ylieff M. Double-blind, randomized, controlled study of phosphatidylserine in senile demented patients. Acta Neurol Scand ;73:136-40. View abstract.

Engel RR, Satzger W, Gunther W, et al. Double-blind cross-over study of phosphatidylserine vs. placebo in patients with early dementia of the Alzheimer type. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol ;2:149-55. View abstract.

Fahey TD, Pearl MS. The hormonal and perceptive effects of phosphatidylserine administration during two weeks of resistive exercise-induced overtraining. Biol Sport ;15:135-44.

FDA. Qualified Health Claim: Final Decision Letter - Phosphatidylserine and Cognitive Dysfunction and Dementia. May . Available at: https://wayback.archive-it.org///https://www.fda.gov/Food/IngredientsPackagingLabeling/LabelingNutrition/ucm.htm. Accessed on March 18, .

Funfgeld EW, Baggen M, Nedwidek P, et al. Double-blind study with phosphatidylserine (PS) in parkinsonian patients with senile dementia of Alzheimer's type (SDAT). Prog Clin Biol Res ;317:-46. View abstract.

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Hirayama S, Terasawa K, Rabeler R, et al. The effect of phosphatidylserine administration on memory and symptoms of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial. J Hum Nutr Diet. ;27 Suppl 2:284-91. View abstract.

Kidd PM. Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children: rationale for its integrative management. Altern Med Rev ;5:402-28. View abstract.

Kidd PM. Phosphatidylserine; Membrane nutrient for memory. A clinical and mechanistic assessment. Altern Med Rev ;1:70-84.

Kim HY, Akbar M, Lau A, et al. Inhibition of neuronal apoptosis by docosahexaenoic acid (22:6n-3). Role of phosphatidylserine in antiapoptotic effect. J Biol Chem ;275:-23.. View abstract.

Maggioni M, Picotti GB, Bondiolotti GP, et al. Effects of phosphatidylserine therapy in geriatric patients with depressive disorders. Acta Psychiatr Scand ;81:265-70. View abstract.

Mallat Z, Benamer H, Hugel B, et al. Elevated levels of shed membrane microparticles with procoagulant potential in the peripheral circulating blood of patients with acute coronary syndromes. Circulation ;101:841-3.. View abstract.

Monastra G, Cross AH, Bruni A, et al. Phosphatidylserine, a putative inhibitor of tumor necrosis factor, prevents autoimmune demyelination. Neurology ;43:153-63.. View abstract.

Monteleone P, Beinat L, Tanzillo C, et al. Effects of phosphatidylserine on the neuroendocrine response to physical stress in humans. Neuroendocrinology ;52:243-8.. View abstract.

Monteleone P, Maj M, Beinat L, et al. Blunting by chronic phosphatidylserine administration of the stress-induced activation of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis in healthy men. Eur J Clin Pharmacol ;42:385-8.. View abstract.

Palmieri G, Palmieri R, Inzoli MR, et al. Double-blind controlled trial of phosphatidylserine in patients with senile mental deterioration. Clin Trials J ;24:73-83.

Pepping J. Phosphatidylserine. Am J Health-Syst Pharm ;56:,-4.

Schreiber S, Kampf-Sherf O, Gorfine M, et al. An open trial of plant-source derived phosphatydilserine for treatment of age-related cognitive decline. Isr J Psychiatry Relat Sci ;37:302-7. View abstract.

Vakhapova V, Cohen T, Richter Y, Herzog Y, Kam Y, Korczyn AD. Phosphatidylserine containing omega-3 Fatty acids may improve memory abilities in nondemented elderly individuals with memory complaints: results from an open-label extension study. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord. ;38(1-2):39-45. View abstract.

Villardita C, Grioli S, Salmeri G, et al. Multicentre clinical trial of brain phosphatidylserine in elderly patients with intellectual deterioration. Clin Trials J ;24:84-93.

Wells AJ, Hoffman JR, Gonzalez AM, et al. Phosphatidylserine and caffeine attenuate postexercise mood disturbance and perception of fatigue in humans. Nutr Res ;33:464-72. View abstract.

Yamazaki M, Inoue A, Koh CS, et al. Phosphatidylserine suppresses Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus-induced demyelinating disease. J Neuroimmunol ;75:113-22.. View abstract.

Zanotti A, Valzelli L, Toffano G. Chronic phosphatidylserine treatment improves spatial memory and passive avoidance in aged rats. Psychopharmacology (Berl) ;99:316-21.. View abstract.

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