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Hospital Bed Manufacturing in the US
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Market share concentration for the Hospital Bed Manufacturing industry in the US is , which means the top four companies generate of industry revenue.
The average concentration in the sector in the United States is .
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Hospital Bed Manufacturing in the US
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The market size of the Hospital Bed Manufacturing industry in the US is measured at in .
Over the next five years, the Hospital Bed Manufacturing in the US market is expected to . See purchase options to view the full report and get access to IBISWorld's forecast for the Hospital Bed Manufacturing in the US from up to .
Key drivers of the Hospital Bed Manufacturing in the US market include .
The Hospital Bed Manufacturing in the US market offers products and services including .
Top companies in the Hospital Bed Manufacturing industry in the US, based on the revenue generated within the industry, includes .
The Hospital Bed Manufacturing industry in the US has employees in United States in .
Market share concentration is for the Hospital Bed Manufacturing industry in the US, with the top four companies generating of market revenue in United States in . The level of competition is overall, but is highest among smaller industry players.
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Medical facilities have always been improved to offer the best quality services to the patients across the globe. Inline with this idea, the hospital beds are designed to give comfort sitting so that they can recover faster (with full convenience). The demand for hospital bed companies is growing due to the rising cases of pandemic (COVID-19) and deadly diseases (Ebola) in addition to the huge cash inflow in the medical services industry.
The hospital bed companies are majorly focusing on exploring new ways to make the entire patient experience comfortable. This has led to the invention of smart hospital beds. The smart bed companies are including new methods to keep an eye on the condition of patients using sensors. Usage of sensors offer accurate results and reduces the need for adding additional devices.
Checking the comfort offered by leading hospital bed companies
The smart hospital beds, an idea introduced by the hospital bed companies, can be used for monitoring the patient – patient blood flow patterns, pressure, sleeping activities and more. As the individuals across the globe are getting sick due to the new forms of diseases, the inquiry for smart beds have spiked.
As per the research conducted by the team of Verified Market Research, the hospital bed market will continue to expand for the period 2019-2026. For complete information on the market, read Global Hospital Bed Companies’ Market Report. If you wish to get summarized details, please click here.
With the expansion in per capita pay in booming economies combined with the ascent in medical services use, the smart hospital bed companies’ market is making new records on a daily basis. Different variables that are helping the development of the market – advanced health care facilities and inclusion of latest technology (IoT and cloud) in the medical sector.
Top 5 hospital bed companies revolutionizing the comfort level in medical industry
Stryker‘s head office is in Kalamazoo, Michigan, United States. This company was set up by Homer Stryker in the year 1941. The current CEO of the company is Kevin A. Lobo.
Subsidiaries: K2M, Inc.; ZipLine Medical, Inc.; Invuity; Stryker Endoscopy; Scopis GmbH; SafeAir AG, etc.
Stryker’s head office is in Kalamazoo, Michigan, United States. This company was set up by Homer Stryker in the year 1941. The current CEO of the company is Kevin A. Lobo.
Established in 1946 and settled at Michigan, the U.S.; Stryker along with its auxiliaries works as a clinical innovation organization. The organization works through three business fragments specifically Orthopedics; MedSurg and Neurotechnology and Spine. The organization gives medical clinic beds under the MedSurg business fragment – the flag bearer of the hospital bed companies’ market.
With its auxiliaries and parent organization, the organization has its roots present in North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East and Africa. The organization has assembling and conveyance offices for items under MedSurg business section in the U.S. – in Michigan, California, Illinois, Washington, Utah, Florida, and Texas.
Hill Rom‘s head office is in Batesville, Indiana, United States. This company was set up in the year 1929. The current CEO of the company is John P. Groetelaars.
Parent Organization: Hill-Rom Holdings, Inc.
Subsidiaries: Welch Allyn; Advanced Respiratory Inc; Mortara Instrument, Inc.; Voalte, etc.
Hill Rom is driven by patient-centric considerations in the medical industry. All that it does, along with its items and advancements, are intended to upgrade results for patients and parental figures. This unique combination has made the company, the face of the hospital bed companies’ industry.
Getinge‘s head office is in Sweden. This company was set up in the year 1904.
Subsidiaries: Maquet; Applikon Biotechnology B.V.; Datascope Corp.; QUADRALENE LIMITED; Getinge Lancer SAS etc.
Getinge is resolved to address these difficulties along with medical services suppliers and be the essential member for improving patients’ lives far and wide. With this pledge, the medical organization has managed to become a well-known name in the medical industry – a first for any of the hospital bed companies.
Invacare’s head office is in Elyria, Ohio, United States. This company was set up in the year 1885. The current CEO of the company is Matthew E. Monaghan.
Subsidiaries: Alber GmbH; Motion Concepts, Inc.; Aftermarket Group Inc; Invacare AB; Invacare Limited, etc.
Since 1885, Invacare has assisted individuals with handicaps to carry on with a livable life. Today, Invacare is the worldwide pioneer in home and clinical items. This rare combination of products and services have helped the company in winning major medical-related awards and recognitions – most for any of the hospital bed companies.
Invacare Corporation, settled in Elyria, Ohio, is the worldwide pioneer in the assembling and dispersion of home and clinical items that advance recuperation and dynamic ways of life. Invacare utilizes roughly 4,700 partners and markets its items in 80 nations around the globe. Invacare, through its items and administrations, makes beneficial encounters that are feasible for an average Joe as well.
Paramount Bed Co. Ltd.’s head office is in MANESAR, GURGAON, Haryana. Ryusuke Kimura founded the company Kimura Shindai Seisakujo, Ltd. In the year 1987, the corporate name is officially changed to Paramount Bed Co., Ltd.
Paramount Bed Co. Ltd. is one of the leading hospital bed companies that majorly focuses on delivering smart bed and related solutions to improve the patient experience. It has one of the biggest and the most dense networks of operations spread across the world.
If you want to learn more, please visit our website single and double cranks hospital beds.