When to Use Hyaluronic Acid Lip Filler?

06 May.,2024


Benefits Of Hyaluronic Acid For Lip Fillers | Skin Deep Med Spa

Your lips are one of the first things people notice about you. They're also one of the first to show signs of aging. When your lips lose their plumpness, it's easy to feel self-conscious. But you can regain that youthful glow without surgery through hyaluronic acid lip injections!

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It's no secret that lip augmentation has become a huge trend in recent years. And it's easy to see why: our lip fillers in Boston are quick and relatively painless, giving you an immediate boost in confidence and self-esteem.

There are many different kinds of hyaluronic acid fillers for lips, but the most common are:

  • Juvederm
  • Restylane
  • Belotero Balance

If you're considering lip fillers with hyaluronic acid, make sure you know how it works and how to prep for the procedure. Keep reading to explore their benefits.

Hyaluronic Acid Improves Lip Volume, Shape, And Size

Dermal fillers aim to give you naturally fuller and symmetrical lips or a more shapely pout. Lips are composed of three layers: 

  • The epidermis (the skin)
  • The dermis (the layer below that)
  • Hypodermis (the deepest layer).

The hyaluronic acid used in the lip filler procedure is injected into the dermis layer. Once injected, it bonds with water molecules to act as a support structure for your lips. This natural substance acts as a cushion for your lips, filling out and rounding off any defects or irregularities. This results in plump lips.

Hyaluronic Acid Is A Naturally Occurring Substance In The Body

The hyaluronic acid used in this procedure is composed of sodium hyaluronate, a naturally occurring substance. It's found in various tissues and fluids, including skin and connective tissue, synovial fluid (the fluid that lubricates joints), blood vessels, lymph fluid, and the eyes.

You get it from your diet — food like kale, tofu, almonds, and edamame are rich in it — and your body's natural ability to produce it. Hyaluronic acid injections are becoming increasingly popular as a treatment for lip plumping, as they offer a safe alternative to plastic surgery.

Hyaluronic Acid Is Temporary, Reversible, And Safe

Hyaluronic acid is the key ingredient in lip fillers and is also the reason their effects are temporary and reversible. It attaches itself to already-existing water molecules. It doesn't add water molecules — it just holds on to the ones already there. Therefore, when you stop using hyaluronic acid, there are no more water molecules left for it to hold onto.

Hyaluronic acid lip filler effects can be reversed at any time. All you have to do is inject hyaluronidase, an enzyme that breaks down hyaluronic acid. It essentially fluffs the skin by breaking down any chemical bonds that hold water together within the tissue.

Hyaluronic Acid Improves Skin Hydration

Hyaluronic acid helps retain skin moisture. The presence of hyaluronic acid helps bring up water from the deeper levels of the skin into the upper layers, where it can be used by the cells.

It is a viscous glycosaminoglycan that can hold up to 1,000 times its weight in water, which means it’s a natural moisturizer. Hyaluronic acid lip fillers provide a way to restore volume and provide more hydration to lips that have lost some moisture or fullness. Therefore, there's no need to worry about over-drying or peeling.

Hyaluronic Acid Reduces The Appearance Of Fine Lines And Wrinkles

The skin around the lips is thin and delicate, making it more susceptible to fine lines and wrinkles. Hyaluronic acid is used to reduce these lines, wrinkles, and other signs of aging.

Hyaluronic acid can make your lips fuller and younger-looking by filling in wrinkles while simultaneously plumping the skin to look more youthful. This is especially helpful if you want to correct a droopy upper lip or make your lower lip look more defined.

It helps reduce fine lines and wrinkles by increasing collagen production, which lifts sagging skin around the eyes and mouth. Hyaluronic acid fillers can improve elasticity when used regularly, so your skin looks younger and more vibrant than ever!

Hyaluronic Acid Fillers Are Compatible With Cosmetic Lip Implants

Hyaluronic acid is compatible with cosmetic lip implants such as silicone and PMMA (polymethylmethacrylate). The latter two are synthetic substances, while hyaluronic acid is naturally-occurring, so they work together to provide different benefits: silicone implants smooth out wrinkles while PMMA enhances volume.

Hyaluronic acid and silicone have been used in combination with good results. If you're thinking of having lip augmentation with any implant, make sure you find a reputable practice that uses sterile techniques, has sufficient experience, and prioritizes your safety.

Do your research to know what to expect from each type of procedure; this will help you choose the best option for yourself.

Plump Up Your Pout Now!

Lip fillers in Boston is a cost-effective, aesthetically pleasing solution to thinning lips. At Skin Deep Med Spa, we're proud to offer some of the best lip fillers that money can buy.With the help of a board-certified dermatologist, you can enhance your smile through products like hyaluronic acid. For more information on lip augmentation in Boston and to schedule a consultation, please contact us at (617) 826-8232.

Hyaluronic Acid for Lip Injections: Benefits, Site Effects, ...

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Javier Pardina/Stocksy United

Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a naturally occurring substance in the body that has the ability to attract water, helping your skin stay hydrated and firm. The synthetic form of this ingredient is used in some brands of injectable cosmetic treatments called dermal fillers.

While HA injections have been used cosmetically for wrinkles and other anti-aging treatments for years, they’re also FDA-approved for adding volume to the lips.

Learn about the potential benefits of using HA fillers for your lips, along with possible side effects, procedure steps, and more.

Benefits of hyaluronic acid lip injections

Like other types of dermal fillers, HA injections are strategically used by cosmetic surgeons to address concerns related to loss of volume. Specifically, HA lip injections may offer the following benefits.

Fuller lips

When performed by a licensed and experienced professional, HA lip injections are intended to make your lips look fuller and more youthful. These fillers may also help redefine the border around your lips, enhancing their overall shape.

Wrinkle reduction

HA lip injections may also be used to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles around the mouth area. In particular, HA is useful for perioral rhytids (“smoker’s lines”) that run vertically around the mouth area, as well as smile lines.

Immediate results

HA injection effects may be seen immediately after treatment. This may appeal to those who are seeking rapid results.

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Potential side effects of using hyaluronic acid fillers on your lips

It’s important to tell your provider about any underlying medical conditions you have before getting HA fillers. This procedure may not be appropriate if you:

  • have a history of blood-clotting issues
  • smoke
  • have diabetes
  • currently take immunosuppressive medications
  • are going through an active oral herpes infection
  • are pregnant or nursing

Even good candidates for HA lip injections may experience side effects from this cosmetic procedure. Speak with your provider about all of the possible risks before getting treatment.

Common side effects

Common side effects of HA lip fillers include:

  • temporary redness or purplish tone, and swelling of the lips
  • mild bruising and bleeding around the injection sites
  • temporary bumps or lumps that may arise around the injection sites

Any temporary pain or swelling usually goes away within 1 to 2 days after your procedure.

Uncommon side effects that should be seen by a doctor

You should report the following uncommon, but potentially serious side effects of HA injections to your doctor right away:

  • blisters around the lips
  • numbness or bluish coloring of the lips
  • severe swelling that won’t go away
  • vision changes
  • symptoms of an infection, like increased swelling, pigment changes, and drainage
Medical Emergency

Call 911 and go to the nearest emergency room if you experience signs of a severe allergic reaction, including:

  • swelling
  • hives
  • difficulty breathing

Hyaluronic acid filler injection procedure

Prior to your procedure, your provider may recommend that you stop taking certain medications and supplements, like blood thinners. They’ll also create a “map” of your lip area to help plan for specific injection sites.

You can expect the following steps during your HA lip filler procedure:

  1. First, your provider will clean your lips with an antibacterial solution.
  2. To reduce pain during and after the procedure, your provider will apply a topical anesthetic.
  3. Once the anesthetic is absorbed in the skin, your provider will begin the injection process. After each injection, they’ll quickly massage the site and inject more solution, if needed.
  4. Both you and your provider will assess the results before pre-procedure markings on your lips are cleaned off.
  5. Before you leave, your provider may give you an ice pack to apply to your lips.

The total process takes just minutes, and you may resume most of your normal activities after your appointment. Depending on your comfort level, you may also return to work immediately after treatment. But you should avoid intense physical activities for 48 hours.

Before and after

While your prospective HA lip injection provider will have samples of their own work, consider the following pictures as a starting point to get an idea of the types of results you may see with this treatment.

Do hyaluronic lip filler injections hurt?

Most HA lip fillers contain lidocaine to help decrease pain during the injection process. Depending on the brand, each syringe may contain a combination of 20 mg/mL HA and 0.3 percent lidocaine. As a precaution, your provider may also apply a numbing agent to your lips beforehand.

To help decrease post-injection pain and swelling, your provider will recommend applying ice or cold compresses to your lips.

How long do hyaluronic lip filler injections last?

The effects of HA injections are temporary, and you’ll need regular maintenance treatments at least every 6 months to help maintain your results.

Still, the exact timeline varies, with some people needing maintenance treatments sooner than 6 months. In other cases, treatment can last as long as 12 months.

How much do hyaluronic lip filler injections cost?

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the average cost of HA injectables in 2020 was $684 per syringe. The American Board of Cosmetic Surgery also says that injectable filler costs may range between $540 and $1,680.

Your own cost will vary by provider, as well as how many syringes are needed for your lip treatment.

As lip fillers are cosmetic procedures, medical insurance won’t cover the cost. You can help reduce the cost of your treatment by asking your provider about financing, monthly payment plans, or discounts for multiple treatment sessions.


Hyaluronic acid is a type of dermal filler ingredient that may be used for the lips. If you’re interested in using HA injections to add volume to the lips and decrease the appearance of wrinkles, consider speaking with a board-certified cosmetic surgeon.

It’s important to remember that while HA injections are considered non-invasive treatments, there’s still a risk for side effects. Lip fillers aren’t permanent, so you’ll need to prepare for occasional maintenance treatments to maintain your desired results.

For more information, please visit Breast Filler Injection.