5 Reasons Why Your Business Needs Chemicals And Intermediates?

13 May.,2024


How Pharmaceutical Intermediates Can Add Value To ...

Pharmaceutical Intermediates Can Not Only Help Chemical Manufacturers Enhance the Profitability But Also Achieve Sustainable Growth.

You are some what worried about the future of your chemical manufacturing business. Day by day it's becoming difficult to operate the facility. Everyday new issues are getting added to the list.

If you are looking for more details, kindly visit Chemicals And Intermediates.

And to rub salt into the wound profit margin is thinning down dangerously. You wonder if it is worth taking so much of headache. In spite of your best efforts you are neither able to make decent profit nor able to achieve any business growth. And you doubt whether the situation will remain steady or deteriorate further.

It's time to think differently. But one thing you are sure about. You need to do something about it. And you have to bring in some massive change in your business before it's too late and the situation gets out of hand. You have to find an way out.

You can remember when you were in a seminar last year you have heard about Pharmaceutical Intermediates. You were a bit reluctant then. Though the expert you had met in that seminar was stressing on the fact that it's the best option for a chemical manufacturer to enhance the profitability and achieve sustainable growth.

But today the situation is different. You thought why not give it an honest try. It's 2:00 PM. Will it be right to call the expert now, you thought. You can't wait any further. The urge was so intense that you called the expert then and there. After talking to him you felt a little better. He has agreed to be in your plant tomorrow morning.

You need to do a lot of preparation - inform your team members and keep things ready - so that you can utilize the time of the expert to the maximum extent. You are now sure that some elegant solution will come out tomorrow.

It's 11:00 AM. The expert has already reached your plant. You are waiting for him in the conference room along with your whole team. While you are planning what to discuss with him, he enters. Once the introduction session is over detailed discussion on the issue starts.

Let's highlight the outcome of the meeting.

As an accomplished Industrial Leader, you know how challenging it has become now a days to operate a chemical manufacturing business profitably.

Chemicals Manufacturing is Getting Difficult

  • Complying with Environmental Issues: Environmental Issues have risen alarmingly. The Statutory Requirements have become very stringent. The Cost of Waste Treatment is rising day by day.
  • Highest Quality Products at Lowest Cost: The global market competition has resulted in sky rocketed customer expectations. Now customers want both Quality and Price - Highest Quality Products at Lowest Price!
  • Thinning Down of Profit Margin: The cost of resources are going up - right from the raw materials, to the manpower. And the selling prices of finished products are falling like anything. The Profit Margin is thinning down dangerously.
  • Technologies getting Obsolete: The Process Technologies are getting obsolete in an accelerated pace and Products are losing their Market Share very fast.
  • High Project Failure Rates: The Project Failure rates are Very High, coupled with Cost Overruns, Project Delays, and other Teething Troubles.

In this scenario, it's essential to grab each and every opportunity to enhance the Profitability and achieve Sustainable Growth.

Profitable Option

Today manufacturing Pharmaceutical Intermediates has emerged as a Profitable Option especially for the leading Chemicals Manufacturers.

Pharmaceutical Intermediates

Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients are the major components of Modern Medicines to make them effective enough to cure us from a wide number of deadly diseases. They are fine chemicals having complex molecular structures with multiple functional groups designed to be effective against a wide number of diseases.

Complex chemistry involving multiple difficult unit operations and unit processes are employed to synthesize these molecules. Therefore it becomes extremely difficult to make these molecules in large scale at reasonable cost.

Here comes the importance of Pharmaceutical Intermediates.

The active pharmaceutical ingredients manufacturers are making their job simple and easy by using Pharmaceutical Intermediates. The Intermediates are raw materials and the products of multiple steps of synthesis process. The basic raw materials and the products of initial synthesis steps are grouped separately from the Intermediates which are made in the later stages of the synthesis process. We categorize them as:

  • Basic Pharmaceutical Intermediates and
  • Advanced Pharmaceutical Intermediates.

Pharmaceutical Intermediates are Important

Both Basic and Advanced Pharmaceutical Intermediates make the synthesis of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients very easy. Start with advanced Intermediates and do one or two synthesis steps and the product is ready.

Multiple Intermediates are required for making most of the Active Molecules. Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient Manufacturers select the Intermediates - both Advanced and Basic - based on how many synthesis steps they are interested in.

Why It's The Best Option

Now, making Pharmaceutical Intermediates makes business sense

Let's find out why:

  • You have already developed expertise in difficult Unit Processes as well as Unit Operations.
  • The Safety and Environment systems are in place and optimized enough to take on any challenge. In fact wastes of some processes are valuable resources for other processes resulting in easier Environmental Management.
  • You can take the advantages of Integrated Manufacturing by Products Integration as well as Energy Integration. It will result in significant reduction in the Manufacturing Cost.

Business Advantages

There are many plus points. Let's list them out:

  • The Sales Turnover to the Investment Ratio is much higher.
  • The Profit Margin is quite attractive.
  • The Pharmaceutical Intermediates Manufacturers can always go for making Active pharmaceutical ingredients in future. In today's competitive market scenario the availability and the cost of quality Intermediates play a very important role in the success of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient Manufacturing.

How To Select the Right Pharmaceutical Intermediates

Selecting the right molecules is the starting point and essential for the success of manufacturing Pharmaceutical Intermediates. Utilization of the resources available to you is very important.

Utilization of the Available Resources

Let’s see how you can maximize the utilization of available resources:

  • In your Chemical Manufacturing Processes you are handling many molecules - Raw Materials, Inprocess Chemicals, Final Products. Look for maximum Utilization of those molecules.
  • You are using many Solvents, Catalysts, Reagents and other Chemicals in your existing Manufacturing Processes. Think of how can you take the advantages of using some of them.
  • You have already developed expertise in many Unit Processes and Unit Operations. Select the Pharmaceutical Intermediates where you can utilize your expertise.
  • The Manufacturing Facility consists of many Supporting Services - Utility Generation and Supply, Plant and Machinery, and so on. Taking maximum advantages of the resources available to you is the key to select the right Pharmaceutical Intermediates.
  • Think of using the expertise developed by your critical functional areas – Purchase, Sales & Marketing, Finance, Commercial and others – in order to select the right molecules.

Let’s discuss how you can select the right molecules based on Product Categories and Unit Processes Involved.

Based on Product Categories

The information on the type of Medicines help a lot to estimate the market of the Intermediates. There are thousands of active pharmaceutical ingredients for a wide number of diseases. The demand of these active molecules are based on their medicinal uses. And usage of these molecules in the modern medicines is increasing day by day due to various factors.

A detailed knowledge on the synthesis processes will help you choose the right pharmaceutical intermediates.

Based On The Unit Processes and Unit Operations

You need to employ various Unit Operations and Unit Processes to make the active pharmaceutical ingredients. You know which unit processes and unit operations you can handle effectively. In addition to it the plant and machinery requirements for various unit processes are different.

Once you have sufficient knowledge about the route of synthesis and the critical processes involved you shall be able to select the right pharmaceutical intermediates to manufacture.

Of course you need to do detailed study to ensure technical feasibility and economic viability for each and every product before concluding. And the whole manufacturing and marketing planning is there to be done. But it's what you do day in day out in your organization.

The company is the world’s best inorganic chemical suppliers supplier. We are your one-stop shop for all needs. Our staff are highly-specialized and will help you find the product you need.

Now you are crystal clear what to do and how to do. And the expert has already accepted your offer for providing support in order to make the project successful. You have already chalked out a plan. And you are extremely confident of making it happen. You are excited about adding tremendous value in all most all aspects of your business.

Let's Conclude

Manufacturing Pharmaceutical Intermediates is an option you need to explore.

Think of how you can utilize the resources available to you to the maximum extent while selecting the products, deciding on the synthesis route, developing the process, scaling up to the commercial level production, designing the plant, and planning for manufacturing.

Once you start getting into the details with an intention to innovate, you will be surprised to find multiple opportunities to add tremendous value in various functions of your business. As you dig deeper the innovation process will become auto-catalytic. And that's what you need to take your business to the next level.

However for Quick and Effective Results You can consider:

  • An Integrated Manufacturing Evaluation by an Industry Expert
  • Efficient Operation of the Manufacturing Facility by Knowledgeable and Trained Manpower

What's your experience with the Manufacturing of Pharmaceutical Intermediates?

Which areas need maximum focus?

How can you use the advances in technology to make Pharmaceutical Intermediates Manufacturing Profitable and sustainable?

What's your opinion about Manufacturing Basic Pharmaceutical Intermediates compared to Advanced Pharmaceutical Intermediates?

Industries That Can Benefit From Chemical Engineering ...

Few people realize that chemical engineering is a necessity in a wide range of industries representing all sorts of products and services that you use in your everyday life. Let’s go over some of the industries that can benefit from chemical engineering services and the kind of demands those services fulfill.


Petrochemicals are the byproduct chemicals produced during the refinement process of fossil fuels such as petroleum, coal, and natural gases, as well as renewable sources like corn, sugar cane, and palm fruit. These petrochemicals are then taken by chemical engineers and made into common products such as:

  • Aspirin
  • Shampoo
  • Detergents
  • Pesticides
  • Gasoline
  • Carpeting
  • Synthetic Fibers
  • Synthetic Rubber
  • Insulating Materials
  • Paint

Petrochemicals can be compared to commodity chemicals because they’re produced in large amounts, but petrochemicals are a bit more unique in that they produce related products rather than the single chemical commodity batches create. The primary products of petrochemicals are divided into three groups by their chemical structure.

Olefins, also known as alkenes, are compounds made up of hydrogen and carbon that contain one or more pairs of carbon atoms linked by a double bond. Olefins are also examples of unsaturated hydrocarbons.

Aromatics are a special type of hydrocarbon. They produce polymers and have a planar molecular structure with at least one carbon ring and 4n+2 electrons that contribute to covalent bonds.

Synthetic gas, or syngas, is used in gas mixtures that serve as feedstocks during the synthesis process of chemical intermediates like methanol. It denotes a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen that contains a small amount of CO2 and methane. For this reason, synthetic gas is considered the most important chemical feedstock.


Given the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the pharmaceutical industry is currently the industry that can benefit from chemical engineering services the most. Chemical engineers aid the pharmaceutical industry by developing new medications and synthesizing existing medicines so that they are widely available. Additionally, they experiment with bacteria, animal, and plant cells in order to better understand diseases and figure out how we can defeat them while creating medication that reacts well with human consumption.

Formaldehyde producers, in particular, will find themselves helping to develop new vaccines, as formaldehyde is a crucial component to suspending the virus samples within a vaccine. Chemical engineers will always be at the forefront of medicinal advancements and are responsible for saving millions of lives from preventable diseases.


Chemical engineers play more of a supervisory role in construction and design. During construction, the processes used can mean the difference in preserving the surrounding environment or ensuring the safety of the workers within the construction site. Chemical engineers help design and develop production processes or operate in research and development to mitigate the environmental impact of a project and create safe conditions for humans to work in. If there are contaminants in water or wastewater, chemical engineers work on physical, chemical, and biological unit operations to safely remove those contaminants.

Some other functions of chemical engineers include managing new construction projects, treatment plants, and distribution networks.

Food Processing

Food additives create stronger flavors and make food more appetizing in appearance for consumers. In fact, a lot of traits and features we come to expect of fruits, vegetables, and more are a result of chemical engineering. Chemical engineering is often used to promote desired traits in food while doing away with undesirable ones. For instance, we know bananas as seedless fruits because chemical engineers capitalized on banana trees that were triploid, meaning they have three sets of chromosomes. These trees pollinate as normal but aren’t capable of producing seeds.

Though many people are cautious of how chemicals affect our food, consider instead how chemical engineering can encourage healthier diets by making vegetables and similar foods more appealing or better tasting.

Beyond finding ways to improve our food, chemical engineers also work to develop food packaging that keeps food fresh for longer and delays the inevitability of spoilage. Better food packaging makes it more viable to ship more food around the world as well as stockpile food in preparation for a food shortage, should one ever occur.


Chemical engineering can even be found in the production of electronics. Though chemical engineers aren’t making the electronics themselves, they’re involved with developing and producing necessary materials as well as designing process control equipment. For example, a large contribution that chemical engineers make in developing materials is the production of components that better dissipate heat and thus work faster and more effectively. The process control equipment works to ensure electronics and other products are produced efficiently and consistently so that the flow of production runs smoothly.


Polymers are substances that are comprised of molecular structures that consist of many similar units bonded together. Or, perhaps in a simpler explanation, they are a very large, chainlike molecule made up of monomers, which are small molecules. Polymers are everywhere, and they make objects like spandex stretch or tennis shoes bounce.

Featuring large spatial extents and chemical variety, polymers give chemical engineers the opportunity to be architects at the molecular level. This makes chemical engineering a central, leading part of developing and producing polymers and similar products.


Similar to the work chemical engineers do to improve processed foods, chemical engineering services are also involved in improving the growth and production of food products themselves. With the aid of chemical engineering in biotechnology, crops grow bigger and healthier than ever, enabling us to produce more food on less land. This is becoming an increasingly vital function of chemical engineering as the world’s population grows and more food is needed to keep up with that growth.

Specifically, a chemical engineer’s role in the biotechnology industry involves developing and designing processes to grow, handle, and harvest living organisms such as crops and their byproducts. This ensures we get the greatest yield out of every harvest.

Don’t let your business fall behind by neglecting chemical engineering. If your industry is able to make use of such services, contact Capital Resin today to learn more about what we can do for you. With our help, you’ll remain well-stocked with necessary chemicals, guiding you toward more efficient practices and new methods.

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