5 Things to Know Before Buying ammonium sulphate granular

06 May.,2024


Ammonium Sulfate 21-0-0 Frequently Asked Questions

Ammonium Sulfate 21-0-0 Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is Ammonium Sulfate fertilizer good for tomato plants?

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We recommend using Greenway Biotech, Inc. Tomato Fertilizer for tomato plants since that was specifically formulated for maximum yield for tomato plants.

However, if you are using dry granular fertilizer then you should apply Ammonium Sulfate at the rate of 1 tablespoon per plant. Make sure not to over apply because Nitrogen fertilizers could kill plants easily.


2. Is Ammonium Sulfate fertilizer good for blueberries?

Yes, the best kind of Nitrogen fertilizer for blueberries is Ammonium and Ammonium Sulfate is one of the best and most affordable sources of Ammonium Nitrogen.

Also, you should avoid using Nitrate Nitrogen on blueberries because they are very sensitive to nitrate ions and they could damage blueberries very easily.

Additionally, because blueberries are very sensitive you need to make sure not to over apply readily available nitrogen fertilizer because it could seriously damage or kill the plants.


3. What is the application rate for Ammonium Sulfate to dissolve in water (foliar application)?

We recommend dissolving 1 to 3 tablespoons per gallon of water. You could either spray the leaves with Ammonium Sulfate solution or just water the plant.

Please make sure not to over apply and to spray it when it's cool outside and not in direct sunlight because that could burn and damage your plants very easily.


4. Will Ammonium Sulfate fertilizer improve onion bulb growth?

Yes, it will. Any nitrogen fertilizer will improve the growth and Ammonium Sulfate contains 21% Nitrogen.

We recommend using 1 tablespoon per 5 gallons of water and applying it weekly.


 5. How much area does a 25-pound bag of Ammonium Sulfate cover on Bermuda grass?

We recommend using 5 pounds per 1,000 sq.ft. so a 25-pound bag would cover about 5,000 sq.ft.


6. What does 21-0-0 mean? Does it mean this is very high in nitrogen?

Fertilizers usually have 3 numbers, first one is a percentage of Nitrogen (N), the second one is a percentage of Phosphorous (P) and the third one is Potassium (K).

We also have different kinds of nitrogen such as Ammonia and Nitrate and as it is obvious from the name Ammonium Sulfate contains 21% Ammonical Nitrogen, which is readily available nitrogen for plants.

In addition, Greenway Biotech, Inc. Ammonium Sulfate contains 24% Sulfur (S) which is one of the most important micronutrients.

Please note that 21% Nitrogen is not the highest nitrogen fertilizer (for example, Urea 46-0-0 contains 46% nitrogen) but it is a relatively high nitrogen fertilizer.


7. Can this be used as oxygen scavenger?

No, Ammonium Sulfate is not an oxygen scavenger and you need Ammonium Sulfite for that.


8. What is the application rate of Ammonium Sulfate for lawns?

Apply 5 pounds per 1,000 sq.ft. or 200 pounds per acre (application at the recommended rates will last about 4 to 6 weeks).


9. Is Ammonium Sulfate safe for pets? Can the pets go on my lawn after I used this fertilizer on my lawn?

Yes, Ammonium Sulfate is absolutely safe and it wouldn't harm your pets after application. Please make sure to water your lawn thoroughly after using this product.


10. Do I need to apply this through a tank sprayer or can i utilize my broadcast spreader then water it in?

Ammonium Sulfate is fully water soluble so you could apply it either through a tank sprayer or broadcast spreader.


11. Is Ammonium Sulfate suitable for Zoysia grass?

Yes, Ammonium Sulfate is a great fertilizer to add to your lawn if your grass needs nitrogen. Since Zoysia grass requires less nitrogen compared to other types of grass, we recommend using Ammonium Sulfate instead of Urea for this type of grass.


12. Is Ammonium Sulfate suitable for pomegranate trees?

Yes, if you are looking for a nitrogen fertilizer to add to your pomegranate trees then Ammonium Sulfate is the best choice. In addition, to 21% Nitrogen, Ammonium Sulfate also contains 24% Sulfur, which will help lower your soil pH level to make it more suitable for Pomegranates.

Note: Pomegranates prefer slightly acidic soil (pH = 5.5 to 7).


13. Can I grow crystals using Ammonium Sulfate?

Yes, you can grow crystals with Ammonium Sulfate.


14. Is Ammonium Sulfate a good fertilizer for evergreens?

Depending on the quality of the soil, Ammonium Sulfate could be used on evergreens. Ammonium Sulfate contains 21% nitrogen which makes a good fertilizer for any growing plants including evergreens.

However, due to 24% Sulfur content, Ammonium Sulfate will lower the pH level of the soil as well so you need to make sure your soil pH level doesn't drop too much.

Plant Nutrients: Ammonium Sulfate Crop Fertilizer

Sulf-N® fertilizers contain sulfate sulfur, which is the only kind of sulfur plant roots can take up. Many sulfur fertilizer products only supply elemental sulfur, or a combination of elemental and sulfate sulfur, with the elemental sulfur not becoming available to crop roots until converted to sulfate. Once in the soil, this conversion can take anywhere from 90 days to several months, which leaves crops hungry for sulfur at critical growth stages. There is no waiting period with Sulf-N® ammonium sulfate, as it contains 100% pure sulfate sulfur nutrition.

This is the Way Ammonium Sulfate is Used

If you didn't know any better, you would most likely mistake unlabeled Ammonium Sulfate for common table salt or even white sugar.

If you are looking for more details, kindly visit ammonium sulphate granular.

That's until you give it a taste and realize it does not taste as delicious as you would expect it to.

Despite its salty taste, ammonium sulfate has found many uses in our daily life, but what exactly is ammonium sulfate?

What is Ammonium Sulfate?

Ammonium sulfate, also known as diammonium sulfate, is a chemical compound that looks like common table salt.

It is primarily manufactured for use around the farm or garden because it brings about alkaline soil conditions and naturally lowers soil pH over time.

The water-soluble salt contains 21% Nitrogen and 24% Sulfur.

You may also find this product listed as Actamaster, Mascagnite, Sulfuric acid, diammonium salt, or dolamin.


What is the Purpose of Ammonium Sulfate?

The uses for ammonium sulfate range from basic fertilizer to food additive.

However, the quality of ammonium sulfate you purchase has to be high quality to have the desired effect on your plants or on your food products.

Here are a few reasons why you might want to stock up on this powerful compound.


Best Uses of Ammonium Sulfate

As a Food Additive


Ammonium sulfate has plenty of uses in the farm as well as the manufacturing industry.

Food grade ammonium sulfate is used in the baking process to control the pH of the flour.

This, in turn, helps volume build-up, consistency as well as shelf life.

Goods baked using ammonium sulfate are more shelf-stable and have a better taste.

It might be the reason you prefer one baked product over the other.

As with many food additives, many people are often concerned about food safety.

You can rest assured that food grade ammonium sulfate is completely safe to consume with no harmful effects.

You just want to double check that you are not consuming technical grade ammonium sulfate like the kind that we use for our ammonium sulfate fertilizer.


As Agricultural Fertilizer


On the other hand, ammonium sulfate fertilizer is widely used on lawns, gardens, and even farms.

Our water-soluble

Is Ammonium Sulfate Good for Fertilizer?

Our water-soluble ammonium sulfate fertilizer is easy to apply and gets to work in a matter of days.

Regarding effectiveness, ammonium sulfate knocks the ball out of the park. It has been proven to improve crop yield by several tons.

The fertilizer's easy application makes it ideal for small-scale users like those looking to get a lush lawn.

Effects are typically observed in the first 48 hours after application.


Is Ammonium Sulfate Used in Food?

Yes, ammonium sulfate use in food is common.

It is used for various reasons, including increased shelf life and improved consistency and taste in baked products.

Ammonium sulfate is perfectly safe to use in food products and saves on food wastage saving you money.


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Ammonium Sulfate

Ammonium sulfate [(NH₄)₂ SO₄] was one of the first and most widely used nitrogen (N) fertilizers for crop production. It’s now less common but especially valuable where both N and sulfur (S) are required. Its high solubility provides versatility for a number of agricultural applications.


Ammonium sulfate (sometimes abbreviated as AS or AMS) has been produced for more than 150 years. Initially, it was made from ammonia released during manufacturing coal gas (used to illuminate cities) or from coal coke used to produce steel.

Today, manufacturers make ammonium sulfate by reacting sulfuric acid with heated ammonia. To get the crystal size best suited for the application, reaction conditions are controlled by screening and drying the particles until achieving the desired size. Some materials are coated with a conditioner to reduce dust and caking.

Byproducts from various industries meet most of the current demand for ammonium sulfate. For example, the nylon manufacturing process produces ammonium sulfate as a co-product. In another, certain byproducts that contain ammonia or spent sulfuric acid are commonly converted to ammonium sulfate for use in agriculture.

Although the color can range from white to beige, ammonium sulfate is consistently sold as a highly soluble crystal with excellent storage properties. As described earlier, particle size can also vary depending on the intended purpose.

Chemical properties

  • Chemical formula: (NH4)₂SO₄
  • N content: 21%
  • S content: 24%
  • Water solubility: 750 g/L
  • Solution pH: 5 to 6


Agricultural use

Growers apply ammonium sulfate primarily where they need supplemental N and S to meet the nutritional requirement of growing plants. Since ammonium sulfate contains only 21 percent N, other fertilizer sources more concentrated and economical to handle and transport often make a better choice for N-deficient fields. It provides an excellent source of S, which supports or drives numerous essential plant functions, including protein synthesis.

Because the N fraction is present in the ammonium form of ammonium sulfate, rice farmers frequently apply it to flooded soils, since nitrate-based fertilizers are a poor choice due to denitrification losses.

A solution containing dissolved ammonium sulfate is often added to post-emergence herbicide sprays to improve their effectiveness at weed control.

This practice of increasing herbicide efficacy with ammonium sulfate works particularly well when the water supply contains significant concentrations of calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) or sodium (Na). A high-purity grade of ammonium sulfate often works best for this purpose to avoid plugging spray nozzles.

Management practices

After addition to soil, the ammonium sulfate rapidly dissolves into its ammonium and sulfate components. If it remains on the soil surface, the ammonium may be susceptible to gaseous loss in alkaline conditions. In these situations, agronomists advise incorporating the material into the soil as soon as possible. Other options include an ammonium sulfate application before irrigation or a predicted rainfall.

Most plants can utilize both ammonium and nitrate forms of N for growth. In warm soils, microbes will rapidly begin to convert ammonium to nitrate in the process of nitrification [2 NH₄⁺ + 3O₂ → 2NO₃⁻ + 2H₂O + 4H⁺]. During this microbial reaction, acidity [H⁺] is released, which will ultimately decrease soil pH after repeated use.

Ammonium sulfate has an acidifying effect on soil due to the nitrification process, not from the presence of sulfate, which has a negligible effect on pH.

The acid-producing potential of ammonium sulfate is greater than the same N application from ammonium nitrate, for example. That’s because all of the N in ammonium sulfate converts to nitrate, compared with only half of the N from ammonium nitrate that converts to nitrate.

Non-agricultural uses

  • Commonly added to bread products as a dough conditioner
  • Component in fire extinguisher powder and flame-proofing agents
  • Multiple purposes in the chemical, wood pulp, textile and pharmaceutical industries

Source: Nutrient Source Specifics, No. 12, International Plant Nutrition Institute.

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