How to use urea fertilizer 46-0-0?

15 Jul.,2024


46-0-0 Fertilizer Guide- Uses And Application For Beginners ...

Urea Fertilizerilizer Guide- Uses And Application For Beginners & Pros

For more information, please visit urea 46-0-0 nitrogen fertilizer.

46-0-0 Fertilizer must be handled with extreme caution, because it is a fertilizer with high, mostly nitrogen content.

In this post, we&#;ll cover what 46-0-0 Fertilizer is, its composition, its advantages, and disadvantages, how to use it, its types, and the best times to apply it to your farm, lawn, or garden for the best results. Keep reading to learn all about it.

What Is 46-0-0 Fertilizer?

46-0-0 Fertilizer is a urea fertilizer, a simple single-element fertilizer that provides the main necessary ingredient nitrogen in ammonic form (NH4+). One of the two forms of nitrogen plants can take the positively charged, non-volatile ammonium ion (NH4+), the other being nitrate (NO3&#;).

Understanding The Label

With so many alternatives available, finding the Fertilizer that your plants require can seem time-consuming, but when you comprehend the labeling, choosing the appropriate one is simple.

Most labels mention the item&#;s NPK (how much nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium the product contains). It will be pure nitrogen in 46-0-0 Fertilizer.

All incorporated secondary micronutrients, such as calcium, magnesium, and others that promote plant health, should be listed on the back label. Its N-P-K ratio of 46-0-0 Fertilizer is 46 nitrogen, zero percent phosphorus, and zero percent potassium.

The remaining ingredients are additives or fillers that help make the product application easier. When applied correctly, a 46-0-0 ratio can assist in converting nutrient-poor soil into a beneficial growing medium.

For general plant health, it will be necessary to provide enough phosphorus, potassium, and other micronutrients after planting.

&#; Nitrogen

Nitrogen encourages the production of chlorophyll, which promotes healthy foliage growth. Chlorophyll, which gives plants their green color, ensures that the energy gathered is converted into food by breaking down starches and carbohydrates.

Proteins and enzymes that control the intake of water and nutrients are likewise powered by nitrogen. Non-flowering plants are the target group for high-N fertilizers.

&#; Phosphorus

Because it starts converting starches and carbohydrates into food while utilizing stored energy, phosphorus is essential to photosynthesis.

Additionally, it encourages flowering plants to produce buds and strong root systems. The same proteins and enzymes that nitrogen utilized to control water and nutrients are also formed at the same time.

&#; Potassium

Potassium helps plants transport water, minerals, and food produced by photosynthesis. It also activates the proteins and enzymes that phosphorus and nitrogen were used to build, supporting a healthier field.

Potassium helps plants conserve moisture, which boosts their tolerance to environmental stress and disease. Additionally, it works particularly well to increase a lawn&#;s ability to withstand cold winters when dormant.

Pros And Cons

When used properly, urea can significantly increase the amount of nitrogen available in the soil and quickly revitalize worn-out fields. However, there are some drawbacks to have in mind before employing it. Read along to see the benefits and disadvantages of excessive use of 46-0-0 fertilizers.

&#; Pros

Enhances the absorption of water

Provides an instant green by dissolving leaves into easily identifiable forms to produce beneficial nutrients for your grass.

Increases nitrogen availability in soil.

Pocket friendly.

&#; Cons

Biuret, a typical contaminant found in synthetic urea, actually hinders plant growth.

Some organic substances, including limestone, don&#;t mix well with urea (organic phosphorus).

The shelf life of urea is quite brief.

How Does 46-0-0 Fertilizer Work

When it is applied to the soil, the catalytic action of urease causes urea fertilizer to interact with water (hydrolyze) to create ammonium carbonate [(NH4)2CO3].

The urease enzyme is a byproduct of the microbial breakdown of organic matter and is found in soil.

An unstable compound, ammonium carbonate, is formed for a short time. It breaks down into the water, carbon dioxide, and gaseous ammonia (NH3).

When it is added to the soil, NH3 is transformed into ammonium (NH4+) by hydrogen ions (H+) from soil particles.

The positively charged ammonium ions are then incorporated into the negatively charged soil particles, where they stay until they are either taken up by plants through the roots or used as an energy source by bacteria to nitrify (convert to nitrate, NO3-) in the process of nitrification.

How To Apply 

This Fertilizer can be used dry, in granular form, or mixed with water in liquid form, before growing any plants, till the soil to apply a 46-0-0 fertilizer for effective application.

Urea can be added to the soil as hard grains, prills, or lentils.

The white, crystal granule formulation has the most promise.

By adding a water-soluble form to your irrigation water, you could also introduce it to the soil.

When applying granules, a quarter-inch of rain is sufficient to mix the urea deeply enough into the soil to prevent ammonia loss, which is advantageous to plants.

For your better understanding of how to use 46 0 0 fertilizer, more details are provided below.

&#; Apply Fertilizer On Cold Days To Minimize Ammonia Damage

Apply urea on chilly days to lessen ammonia damage. It is ideal for applying urea on chilly, windless days when the temperature is between 32 and 60 degrees Fahrenheit (0 and 15.6 °C).

Urea dissolves on the lawn when the soil freezes at lower temperatures. At warmer temperatures and humidity, urea decomposes more quickly than it can become wet in the ground.

&#; Use 46-0-0 Fertilizer With The Urea Barrier Before Planting.

The enzyme urease starts the chemical process that turns urea into nitrate plants. Before your plant benefits from the high amount of urea, you can reduce it by applying this Fertilizer before planting.

Chemical reactions can be slowed down, and urea can be kept in the soil using fertilizers with urea inhibitors.

&#; Spreading Fertilizer Evenly

Small, hard pills or urea particles are packed and offered for sale. Applying another fertilizer first can disperse urea uniformly across your landscape. For most trees, you should maintain this Fertilizer close to the tree&#;s roots or the area where you will sow the seeds.

&#; Wet The Land

Urea first decomposes into ammonia gas and then nitrate. Applying Fertilizer as soon as the soil becomes wet will help the fertilizer dissolve in the soil before the chemical reaction begins since the gasses can easily escape from the soil surface.

As a result, more ammonia is trapped in the soil. To retain the ammonia gas as much as possible in the soil, the top 1.3 millimeters of the surface should be moist. You can water your grass by yourself, spread urea on your property after 48 hours of the snow melting, or spread it there before it rains.

&#; Mix Your Fertilizer Well

An excellent strategy to spread this Fertilizer before your ammonia gas is harmed includes harrowing, dragging, or shrinking your field so that urea can stay in the top layer of soil.

&#; Fertilize The Crops On Light Days

Most cereal grains can be immediately treated with urea, but not always at temperatures above 60 degrees Fahrenheit. When employed in warm environments, the plants emit an ammonia-like odor.

Best Uses

Due to the 46-0-0 NPK&#;s adaptability in use, farmers, gardeners, and homeowners with lawns all utilize it. However, because it only provides nitrogen, plants that need phosphorus, potassium, and other essential minerals should receive supplements.

Remember that ammonia-rich fertilizers shouldn&#;t be used for longer than six months because they can alter the composition of your soil over time!!

Because different plants have varying needs if you need to reapply any compound fertilizer during the season, ensure it doesn&#;t always contain just one ingredient, such as an N-P-K mix or organic material alone.

&#; Lawn Care

It is strongly advised to use a 46-0-0 NPK fertilizer on your lawn only after a soil test has revealed a nitrogen deficiency. It should be used once a year, in April, just before new growth starts.

Root burn and crispy, brown grass could happen when such high amounts are treated in areas with enough nitrogen already present. Apply this Fertilizer only to grass that is actively growing and only until a second soil test indicates that the nitrogen content has improved. 

As for the application, remember to spread one pound of Fertilizer over a surface area of 1,000 square feet.

&#; Grass

Ornamental grasses are quite common due to their reputation for being low-maintenance and their tendency to thrive in unfavorable soil. They are unlikely candidates for heavy nitrogen formulae since they naturally resist pests, diseases, and environmental challenges.

In general, these grass varieties don&#;t need to be fertilized frequently, and they frequently give gardens year-round appeal. However, when planted with other ornamentals in nutrient-deficient soil, a significantly diluted amount of this Fertilizer may aid in root establishment.

&#; Corn

Corn plants require more nitrogen to support their thick stalks and huge leaves that protect tightly packed cobs. Nitrogen is a crucial macro- and micronutrient that corn requires to generate delicious, well-formed grains.

A sprinkle of polymer-coated 46-0-0 granules can improve nitrogen access for healthier plants if your corn&#;s leaves turn brown out of season or the cobs are tiny and lacking kernels. Remember, direct contact with urea harms the seeds and often lowers maize plant yields.

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&#; Leafy Vegetables

Developing well-formed, bright foliage and florets depends more on nitrogen in leafy crops like lettuce, broccoli, and cabbage because they rarely bloom. Remember to apply four ounces (12 cups) of Fertilizer every 30 feet of row in vegetable gardens.

An initial application of 46-0-0 Fertilizer will encourage strong roots, rich color, and greater size when nitrogen is deficient in the soil.

Liquid solutions should be used in the morning or late at night to prevent leaf burn. The same effect is achieved by dispersing granules three inches apart from each plant.

&#; Houseplants

Houseplants are confined to containers and are extremely sensitive to fertilizer levels. Only a heavily diluted quantity of 46-0-0 Fertilizer would be suitable, even with the extra runoff common with houseplants, but only for non-flowering plants.

When used correctly, and when recycled potting soil is routinely used, this technique can be highly effective. Potting soil will gradually lose its natural nutritional qualities. Utilizing 46-0-0 Fertilizers sparingly can aid in partial fertility restoration.

&#; Shrubs And Trees

Given their size when fully grown, trees and shrubs are frequently the plants that consume the most nitrogen. This nutrient causes the largest growth response. However, early in the spring, when fruit trees and berry bushes are just beginning to sprout, farmers use this Fertilizer.

Trees can be treated with liquid urea at two diluted ounces each month while growing in a flat location. Slow-release granules will provide the safest form of nitrogen infusion on slopes or regions where the possibility of runoff is higher.

&#; Potatoes

Some potato types may withstand high nitrogen concentrations; some cannot! Take care and handle all plants the same. Avoid providing high amounts of nitrogen to potato plants when using this Fertilizer.

46-0-0 Fertilizer can be sprayed on potato plants directly or mixed with other fertilizers to a solution that contains no more than 30 percent nitrogen. Remember that only before planting potatoes should you fertilize the soil with fertilizer solutions that contain more than 30 percent nitrogen.

Types For 46-0-0 Fertilizer

There are four fertilizers, each with various applications and gardening techniques.

&#; Liquid Concentrate

46-0-0 liquid Fertilizer is applied around your plants after being diluted with water. Some such fertilizers have foliar spray formulations as well. The soil or leaves then rapidly transport nutrients to the root system.

Despite their tendency to momentarily raise soil pH, liquid urea feeds are very cost-effective. It is advised to exercise caution, though, as overfeeding is common and can result in the root, flower, and foliage burning.

&#; Water Soluble Powder

Options for powdered urea can be mixed with water to make a &#;tea&#; or worked straight into the soil towards the base of shrubs and plants. They have a limited shelf life but store well in an airtight container.

Powders are among the most affordable; however, they might work better in larger applications like farms or coppices. In smaller gardens, these could be too much to handle if precise measurements are not taken.

&#; Slow Release Granules

Granules are highly concentrated, convenient to use, and offer ongoing nutrition for up to nine months. In only a few weeks, the initial findings will become apparent. Furthermore, they are less prone to result in root burn.

Casting granular fertilizers uniformly around the base of trees, shrubs, and other plants is how you apply them. They do not require watering to become active and are less prone to contaminate adjacent surfaces or groundwater.

&#; Fertilizer Spikes

Especially if you have a container garden, spikes are one of the easiest to employ. They are simple to put into loamy soil because they are pre-measured in various sizes. They also have a reduced danger of burning because of their delayed release.

Microbes that naturally exist in the soil release nutrients from the spikes. And have the additional advantage of promoting a higher resistance to disease and pests. The leftovers can then be kept clean until needed.


When should I not apply 46-0-0 Fertilizer?

Avoid applying 46-0-0 fertilizer during heavy rainfall or when plants are experiencing drought stress. This can lead to nutrient runoff or ineffective absorption.

Is 46-0-0 Fertilizer explosive?

No, 46-0-0 fertilizer is not explosive. It is a concentrated nitrogen fertilizer used for plant nutrition, not for explosive purposes.

Does 46-0-0 Fertilizer promote root growth?

Yes, 46-0-0 fertilizer promotes root growth. Its high nitrogen content supports vigorous vegetative growth, including the development of healthy roots.


46-0-0 fertilizers quickly became popular among farmers and sod distributors who wanted to reduce their expenses because of their low production costs. Let&#;s summarize what we&#;ve learned in this article:

46&#;0-0 has 46 percent nitrogen, zero percent phosphorus, and zero percent potassium.

This is a great booster for your plant because it will increase nitrogen availability in the soil.

Provides instant aid for your shrubs, leafy vegetables, lawn, and even for corn and potatoes.

With improper use, it may harm the plants that you are applying on.

We hope this article has equipped you with all the information needed to fertilize your plant and ensure its health adequately.


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Mears - 46-0-0 Granular Urea Nitrogen - 50 LB Bag - Reinders

Give Plants an Immediate and Powerful Application of Nitrogen with 46-0-0 Fertilizer

46-0-0 fertilizer by Mears is the perfect option for yielding productivity and fertility from your lawn. Made with the highest nitrogen concentration, Urea fertilizer provides an immediate and powerful nitrogen application to crops and plants that love acidic soils.

Urea Fertilizer Transforms Lawns & Gardens with Maximum Effectiveness

Urea 46-0-0 has the highest nitrogen concentration content of all solid nitrogenous fertilizers available. Because of its NPK ratio (nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium), its high nitrogen content works most efficiently when mixed within the soil as opposed to being placed on top to achieve strong, sustained, and green growth.

More About Urea: 46-0-0 Fertilizer&#;s Active Ingredient

Urea is typically processed into granules, made when carbon dioxide reacts with anhydrous ammonia under intense pressure at350 degrees Fahrenheit.

Granular urea can be applied dry to the soil or dissolved and applied through irrigation water&#; no matter which application method, it&#;s essential to achieve an even spread pattern because of the high nitrogen concentration. For best results, apply 46-0-0 fertilizer to actively growing grass and water it into the turf soon after application.

For spray applications or applications through an irrigation system, urea fertilizer will dissolve in its own weight in water. When preparing urea solutions for injection or spray, dissolve no more than 2.5 LBS of urea per 100 GAL of water.

Make sure your application equipment is appropriately used and correctly calibrated for efficient application and maximum results. Germination damage can occur if products come into too close of contact with the seed when drilling.

Blending Urea with Other Fertilizers

In general, urea provides the most nitrogen at the most affordable cost, but it&#;s a great fertilizer option to blend with others for plants that love acidic soils. Urea nitrogen fertilizer may be blended with monoammonium phosphate or diammonium phosphate.

Due to chemical reactions, urea cannot be mixed with superphosphate unless applied immediately after blending. This reaction will cause the material to be damp and hard to store.

More from Mears

Mears Fertilizer, Inc. is a leader in providing solutions for the agriculture, residential, industrial, and commercial markets for over 50 years. Mears' high-quality products and services respond quickly and efficiently to your industry's needs, maintaining the industry&#;s most exacting quality control standards.

Whether that starts with 46-0-0 fertilizer or another NPK fertilizer formulation, Mears Fertilizer, Inc. will continue to meet your progressive needs year after year.

The Reinders Difference

At Reinders, we make it simple for you to improve your productivity with irrigation supplies from the industry&#;s top leading brands.

Our team of industry experts and our panel of professional vendors understand your daily challenges, and we are here to provide solutions to all of your needs. Quality products aren&#;t enough&#; you get the unparalleled customer service our second-to-none staff offers. 

Whether that starts with Urea fertilizer or other turf and landscaping raw materials, we&#;re here to help your land become more productive and fertile to grow strong, healthy crops and grass while saving you time, energy, and money.

For product recommendations, fertilizer application tips, or to answer any other related inquiry, contact us today!

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